With wholesale women's sunglasses, the profit margin is likely to double if the quality of the women's sunglasses is excellent. Your profit markup is greater if the product you supply is a brand or excellent replica of designer sunglasses. Essentially your business will succeed by providing better quality sunglasses; you are guaranteed higher profits.
The key is to select sunglasses that are opposite to the shape of your face. So, if you have a round face, go for frames that are square or rectangular. If you choose frames in striking colors, remember that you may not be able to use them for formal occasions. In that case, you may consider buying designer inspired sunglasses. These sunglasses have the same quality as the originals, but they cost considerably less. Many online sources sell designer inspired sunglasses at wholesale rates. When you buy from these sources, you will be able to enjoy a further reduction in price. And the quality is good enough to pass for the authentic stuff.
They are categorized depending on the usage, purpose, style and face structure of the wearer to match with their age and personality. Mostly used as a fashion accessory and style statement, very few women use sunglasses for protecting their eyes from glares, bright lights and UV rays. This behavior towards sunglasses encouraged brands to channelize their sunglasses range according to the different requirements and tastes of women.
During the period between 60s and 80s, these were really popular and a style statement for many celebrities. Many celebrities used these glasses to keep their identity hidden. Mirror aviator sunglasses are the fashion statement for many stylish people. These are one of the oldest designs that are still available commonly. While the design of these glasses was basically dedicated to pilots, they gained popularity among commoners after Tom Cruise donned them in Top Gun.
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